English. Common sweet potato, cultivated both for its root as a staple food and for its leaves as a green vegetable,
Scientific name. Ipomoea batatas.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sug bata' pimulau gubi, mikamutamut na mendilug. Si nga Uan, bata' aan nilan pengimeten laak ig bata' ubi pingma'niin tendu'.
English. The little sweet potato I planted has gradually spread. What"s-His-Name and his family picked some little ones to eat, about
the size of a finger.
Generic. aan
ubi menaik
English. A climbing yam, oft, purple.
Scientific name. Dioscorea alata
Synonym. inampay
Idiom: memula gubi
English. Dies, euph..
Generic. patay