taang 1
English. Counting particle of utterances or sounds, as a thunderclap, a word, a sentence.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ki getaw kia, kali'u pekebitay, nda'u niin tanan sembagay, pia se taang.
English. When I spoke to that man, he didn't answer me, not even one word.
Idiom: taang dun
English. An indefinite number of occurences, sometimes.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Taang dun sa' su nga mekegulang, megabitabit mekatag tu ngag bata' nilan delaga buka begutaw, pesebutan nilan sa' mesu'at ma pegempu'en nilan.
English. Sometimes as for the parents, they discuss their children, maids and young men, they plan if it's possible to have them marry.
Synonym. kali' 1; sumelun dun