English. Supports s.o.'s living.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Nemun, mipubedi ami gupia. Nda'idun tanani nga petubu'en nami. Sa' selapi' da, pia lima siin, nda'idun. Duun pa pelumi pekpenu'uban ku gusekila, telu tawan.
English. These days we are very poor. We have no domestic animals at all. As for money, we don't even have five centavos. And I also
have three children in school to support.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Laung nug dumau, “Mekelelatlelat ig bata' ta kiin, pu' nda'i penu'ub ta dun.”
English. My wife said, “How pitiful our children are, because we have no support for them (i.e. we cannot pay their expenses outside
the home).”
c.f. amut; gastu