English. Smooth, clean, having roughness or litter removed.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su saleg nug balay ni nga Bata', melenu'.
English. The floor of Bata's house is smooth.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sapiliay mui gayu kiiin, adun melenu'
English. Plane that wood, so that it's smooth.
Antonym. kelumaged; langis; pangis
English. The yard of a building, usu. cleared of growth.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kig lenu'an ta kiin, siligay niu, adun melenu'.
English. Sweep our yard there, so that it's smooth.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ilidmu sug lesung diag lenu'an, pu' mbasa' sa' dumupi'.
English. Tip the rice mortar in the yard over on it side, for it will get wet (inside) when it rains.
Synonym. lamalama