betang 1
Sense 1
English. Is hurt so badly so as to be immobile, even for several days.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sug beklug nami ditu Getapay, su nga getaw, sa' mikebulek na, minamal ilan gupia mekpudasu, sug duma mibetang na.
English. During our big ceremony at Getapay when the people were drunk, they kept up a terrific fight. Some were seriously hurt.
Sense 2
English. Places s.t. s.w.; generic for all types of placing.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Buus, sa' metubusa maan, ki pinggan kiin, ugasay mu, dayun mu betangay tug dempa'an, adun ndi' dila'an gitu'.
English. In a while, when you finish eating, wash those dishes, and then put them on the shelf, so they won't be licked by a dog.
c.f. tagu'
In group with: duksak; eklek 1; eksuk; entud; limbag; sangat; sendig 1; taknes
Sense 3
English. Creates (only of God).
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ya'ai mitang dig lumaun bitang dig lumbang keni.
English. You created all things placed on this earth.
Synonym. baal; buat
In group with: ilak
English. One's circumstance, situation.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Paa, nemun lai gempait gupiai kebetang nami dinig buid, pu' dibaluy bug dibaluy, lumbus na ngusu' nami.
English. Intj., our situation now here in the interior is a bitter one, because those on both sides of us are our enemies.
English. What a person considers one's own, possessions.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ndi' mu pegleksapay elapayi pimetang sa' ndi' mesaak tu gapu'en.
English. Don't just take things without asking the owner.
Synonym. ga'us; imu