Sense 1
English. Arises from sleep, gets up from reclining; comes from; goes out.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Belang laung di gebitebitan ta, naan lai, megbuat pau.
English. Please, let's stop talking now, I'm going out.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' mipanaspanasu, bena' buatu mektulug bilentinugu gupia, kaas ndi' tantu mekegindeg.
English. When I was running a fever, when I would arise from sleeping, I was really dizzy, and so I couldn't really be standing.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kali' ami peksakay buat tug Bekungan, sikna tuminulak ami, duminuluk dayuni genus.
English. When we sailed from Bakungan, as soon as we set out, the wind came up.
Synonym. genat
Sense 2
English. Creates, of God.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ki kelaun minita' ta dinig lumbang, iini biwat nu Megbebaya'.
English. All we see here on earth, it was created by God.
Synonym. baal; betang 1
English. In statement or question of location, indicates place of origin, From.
Synonym. genat; sekat 2; tidu