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Balanced (in weight, design, etc.).
Timbang duwa'annen, sali'-sali' bohatnen.
His load is balanced; it is equally heavy on both sides.
Timbang pene' tennunnen.
The pattern of her weaving is balanced.
magbohat-lampung tempang tunggang
N-, mag-
To weigh s.t. (with a scale or balance).
Weigh the coconuts now so that it will be known how many kilos there are.
Nimbang kew lahingku iyan da karut.
Weigh that one sack of copra of mine.
Ga'i kata'uhanku bang piye kilu pegge' ga' pe bakas tinimbang.
I don’t know how many kilos it is because it was not yet weighed.
An instrument for weighing; scales, balance.
Hāp timbangannen pegge' ba'ahu pe.
His scale is good because it is new.
The place of a weighing ceremony.
Any person born in the month of Sappal has to have the “weighing ceremony” performed for him so that he will not be eaten or devoured by “malikid jabaniya” when he dies. Most people seem not to know what that actually is. Some say it is a snake.
Bakas ku amban pagtimbangan.
I have come from the weighing ceremony.
La'i ku panimbang iyehin.
I was there when he had the weighing ceremony.
To be tense, uptight on behalf of s.o. else.
Because one fears that the other person may make a mistake or won’t know the answer if asked.
Bang iye matsa hutba' kuwe' nimbang-nimbang ku.
When he reads the hutba' I am tense.
Nimbang-nimbang ne ku hadja bang niya' dina'ak si iye, kaw ga'i tumewwa'.
I am all uptight if he has been told to do s.t., lest he doesn’t do it right.
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