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A ceremony performed by a healer.
Most people say it is to drive away the “hot-sickness” pasu' maganak. Some say it is to give good health. Usually the fingertip is pricked or scratched with a needle or a grain of unhusked rice. Some blood has to come out and that supposedly cures the sickness. Sometimes there is an incantation tawal involved, where water is blown onto and the patient is told to drink it or to take a bath in it. If one or more small children of a couple die they are said to be pasu' and are encouraged to have a langgit .
N-, mag-
To perform a langgit ceremony for s.o.
Bang a'ahin tege saki pasu' subey ilanggitan.
If a person has the hot-sickness he should have thelanggit cermony performed.
A'a iyan ta'u maglanggit (ngalanggit).
That person knows how to perform the langgit.
Bakas maglanggit ku metu'uhin.
I had a langgit (done for me) long ago.
Pa'in tabibin, pasu' magsali subey magpalanggit.
The healer says, he has the hot-sickness and he cannot have younger siblings; he should request a langgit ceremony.
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