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Visible, in the open (not hidden).
Niya' bessine tampal.
He has a visible weapon. (It is registered and does not need to be hidden.)
Tampal ne baya'nen.
Her desire is visible. (She gets ready to come with me.)
pa-, mag-
(To speak to s.o.) face-to-face, (see s.o.) in person.
Bang niya' akaku si iye ku patampal.
If I have something to say to her I go in person.
Ga'i hāp magbissā sipuk subey magtampal.
It is not good if one speaks behind someone’s back; one should do it face-to-face.
N-, mag-
To reveal s.t.; make s.o. else the pretext for saying s.t., expose, disclose.
Bang niya' kabaya'anne ubus gey magpatampal si sawe'ne, kuwe' inenna' dem ateynen.
When she has a desire she does not reveal it to her companions; it is as if she hides it in her heart.
Bang kew māku da'a kew matampal sawe'nu.
When you ask, don’t disclose your companion (the one who told you to ask).
Patampalne sawe'nen bisan du iye mamabaya'in.
She makes her companion the pretext even though she is the one who wants it (when she asks for s.t.).
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