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pa-, mag-
To see s.o. (in order to speak to him); speak to s.o. in person; speak to s.o. face to face.
Bang niya' batang bissāku si iye ku pakara-kara.
If I want to speak to her I go to see her in person.
Magkara-kara kami magbissāhin.
We speak to each other face to face.
N- -an, mag-
To speak straightforward, speak one’s mind, face s.o..
Ga'i ku missā tinapuk magkara-kara hadja bang ku missā.
I don’t speak hiding anything; when I speak it is straightforward.
ku ngara-ngarahan iye mo'o magbissā.
I go (and) speak my mind (when I) speak with him.
Kara-karahanku iye mo'o magbissā.
I face him (when) speaking with him.
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