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A snack food made of rice.
A savory food cooked in a leaf wrapper. (One kind is made of sticky rice, salted and cooked with coconut milk. The rice is partially cooked first, then wrapped in sugarcane leaves and cooked again until done. It is considered a snack food. Another kind consists of a mixture of grated coconut, spices and shrimp or crab meat mashed, then wrapped in banana leaves and boiled. This one is considered a viand.)
Gīs-gīsun bi dawen uyat iyan hinangte bi pagputusan tagal.
Tear those banana leaves; we will use them for wrappers of the tagal.
N-, mag-
To make s.t. into tagal.
Magtagal ulang ku.
I make shrimp into tagal.
Tinagal hadja pūtan iyan kēmon.
All of that sticky rice was made into tagal.
Make only a little into tagal.
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