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For s.t. to be all over.
Taga'-taga' asu jambangankun.
The dog is all over my plants.
pa-, mag-
To walk or pass over or through s.t. (where there is no trail, as through a garden or field).
Pataga' iye amban dem kamunti'ku.
She walked through my camote (patch).
La'i kami magtaga' dem lahingan.
We walked all over the coconut grove.
N-, mag-
To walk or pass over or through s.t. (where there is no trail, as through a garden or field).
Da'a taga'un dem paleyku iyan.
Don’t walk through (lit. in) that rice of mine.
We will pass through the weeds because there is no trail.
Niya' naga' jambangankun.
Someone walked over my plants.
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