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Baked goods and sweets 21.1

addun Dough.
apam Pancake.
ayiskrim Ice cream.
ayisdrop A frozen sweet, icedrop.
bāng-bāng Cookies; baked goods (sweet or savory); snack food.
basung 2 A rice cake cooked in banana leaves, cone shaped.
bawulu A sweet delicacy (made of flour).
bibingka A sweet rice cake.
binamban A sweet delicacy (made of cassava).
biskuwit Cookies or crackers (from factory).
bukayu' A sweet delicacy.
bunglew (pamunglewr) A dessert (anything that serves as) a finale.
kendi Candy.
keyik Cake, slices of cake.
dinglu' A sweet delicacy (diamond shaped).
durul2 A kind of sweet delicacy.
hinti' A sweet delicacy.
A kind of rice cake.
jawuk A sweet delicacy made of cassava.
mamun Cake; little cakes or pieces of cake.
pan Bread.
panyām A type of rice cake.
panganan A dark, sweet corn cake (cooked in oil).
pelikambing A sweet delicacy made of grated cassava.
putli'mandi' A sweet delicacy (ball-shaped and rolled in coconut).
sahali (sahali bulanr) A rice cake in crescent shape.
simbug To water down syrup (for a drink); add water to syrup.
singgam Chewing gum.
suman Rice cooked in a coconut leaf wrapper.
tabid-tabid A sweet delicacy (made of cassava or rice or a mixture of the two).
tagal A snack food made of rice.
tira-tira A type of caramel candy.
uwadjit A sweet delicacy (made of glutinous rice).
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