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For s.o. to hurry.
Magtākin ku pegge' hap luma' du ku ma'in.
I will hurry because I will go home today.
Luwal iye magtākin bang niya' hinangne.
She always hurries when she has work to do.
N-, mag-
To hurry or rush s.t. along (as work).
Tākin-tākinun koprasnu iyan duk tapabellihannu sumu.
Hurry that copra of yours along so that you can sell it tomorrow.
Tākin-tākinne luma'nen duk iye kapaglalin simana dembuwa'.
She hurries (the building of) her house along so that she will be able to move next week.
Tiya' ku nākin-nākin tennunku duk ubus sumudde.
I am hurrying my weaving along so that it will be finished the day after tomorrow.
Magtākin-tākin iye magdekdakin pegge' inusan ne iye.
She rushes her laundry along because she is hungry.
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