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N- [perform], mag- [participate]
To have or do the ceremony to start the rice harvest.
When the rice is ready to be harvested a person, who is expert at such things, goes to the field on the same day of the week as the rice was planted in the beginning of the season. He ties seven stalks of rice together and smokes it with incense. Then he cuts some stalks surrounding the tied ones and places this cut bundle on the ground near the tied stalks. It remains there until the harvest is finished.
Bang tahak ne paleyin niya' ne pandey nulangne.
When the rice is ripe an expert goes and performs the ceremony to begin the harvest.
Bakas magsulang paley kew?
Have you had the ceremony for beginning the rice harvest?
Sulangun ne paleykun.
Do the ceremony for starting the harvest of my rice now.
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