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Side (of an object).
Peddi' ko' seddine.
He says his side hurts.
Towengun uyat iyan diyata' seddi jīp.
Hang those bananas on the side of the jeep.
pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
To lie on, lean to, turn to, tilt to one side.
Paseddi iye bang tuli.
He lies on his side when he sleeps.
Magseddihan jīpin pegge' ekka lowang kalsarahin.
The jeep keeps leaning (to one side) because there are many holes in the road.
N-, mag-
To tip, tilt, or turn s.t. to one side.
Paseddihun tangkihin, iyu' ne kulang bohe'ne.
Tip the tank to one side; there is little water in it.
Tabanganku iye magpaseddi kahun pegge' ga'i siguwe si behe gawang.
I will help him to tilt the box because it does not fit through the door.
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