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Different, other; separate.
Seddili ne bantuknen amban matu'uhin.
Her appearance is different now from before.
We have separate houses; we do not live together.
To be different (of plural objects).
Magseddī patulihan kami.
We have different sleeping places.
Magseddī kinakan kami.
We (each) have (our) separate food.
Magseddī kolol me' sumping miya'an.
Those flowers have different colors.
pa-, -um-
To be separate from others or from s.t.; to do s.t. separately.
Paseddili kakan ne ku, ga' ne ku patampu.
I eat separately (lit. am separate with my food); I don’t mix with the others.
Ga' pe sumeddili me' panyapnen.
His belongings have not yet been separated.
To separate things, to do things separately.
Magseddili binella kamihin.
We cook separately.
Pagseddīne me' panyapden.
She separated their belongings.
N-, mag-
To put or take s.t. aside, to place s.t. separately from the rest.
Pakanun nakanak iyan maseddī.
Feed that child separately.
Magpeseddī kinakan iye duk niya' kakanne balik.
She put some food aside so that she will have some later.
Paseddīne me' panyapnen, bettadne dem paraka' seddī.
She places her belongings separately (from those of others); she places them into a different basket.
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