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N-, mag-
To distract s.o. (from his troubles), to comfort.
Tagam ku si mākanak, hangkan ta'u ku maglibang duk gey nāring.
I am used to children; that’s why I know how to distract them so that they don’t cry.
We'ey kew iyan ga'i ta'u ngalibang nakanak iyan?
Why can’t you distract that child?
Libangun nakanak iyan.
Distract that child.
N-, mag-
To occupy oneself or s.o. else with s.t.
If less effort is exerted in distracting or occupying the reduplicated form is used.
Di'ilew niya' test kami si science, kuwe' ku nulat maglibang-libang.
Yesterday we had a test in science; it was as if I just wrote something to be occupied.
Maglengngan-lengngan be itu' ngalibang-ngalibang dem atey.
I am just walking to distract my heart.
Libang-libangun be dīnun.
Occupy yourself.
libang helling
By the way...; let me change the subject...; to distract from the present subject...
Libang helling, dahu' kite tabu'anun, ī' ga' niya' buwaste.
By the way, just go shopping for us first; we don’t have any rice.
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