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N-, mag-
To comfort s.o.; to persuade s.o. to take a different attitude; to pacify; to distract from s.t.
Mostly used for children when they are crying.
Pehemokanun nakanakin.
Comfort the child.
Pehemokanku iye pegge' sōng maghinangan la'at.
I persuaded him (to take a different attitude) because he was about to do something evil.
Ta'u iye mehemok bang niya' a'a sōng magpikilan la'at.
He knows how to persuade (a person to take a different attitude) when someone contemplates doing something bad.
Pahemokanun a'a iyan, iyu' ga' kasulutan si badju' binellihan iyehin.
Pacify that person; she is not pleased with the blouse that was bought for her.
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