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I like to eat the liver of a chicken.
ū atey
Upper part of the liver (lit. the handle of the liver).
Peddi' ū ateyku.
My liver is painful.
Heart (seat of emotions).
Hāp ateykun pegge' tekka ku limpiyu ne luma'kun.
I was happy (lit. good in my heart) because when I arrived the house was already clean.

hāp ateynen happy, good
hadje ateynen wants to return good done to him and outdo the giver; pique, feeling of wounded vanity
haget ateyten stouthearted, not easily frightened
la'at ateynen easily angry, scolding
langkew ateynen proud, boastful, looks down on others
lunuk ateynen meek; follows teaching; not easily angered
peddi' ateynen very angry
polong ateynen exceedingly angry towards a person, not forgiving
sinna dem ateynen happy
tebeleyang ateynen startled
tuwas ateynen daring in the face of danger; bears a grudge for a long time; to be stubborn
usa' ateynen it pounds with joy or fear; startled
kuwe' atey kuman none at all; absolutely nothing
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