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Bent over (mostly of people).
Kokko' ne a'a bahi'in.
That old person is bent over.
pa-, mag-
To bend down (for some specific reason).
Bang ku diyawa' luma' subey ku pakokko' pegge' pandak luma'in.
When I go under the house I have to bend down because the house is low.
Tiya' kayu inin pakokko' tudju pitu si luma'.
This tree is bending down here towards the house.
N-, mag- redup. (repet.)
To bend down for no (obvious) reason.
We'ey ne kew iyan luwal ngokko' hadja.
Why are you always just bending down?
We'ey kew magkokko'-kokko'? Peddi' bukutnu?
Why are you bending down? Is your back hurting?
kokko' / pakokko'
N-, mag-
To bend s.t.
Kokko'un (pakokko'un) lansang inin kaw tadi'ik.
Bend this nail lest someone steps on it.
Ga'i takole'ku ngokko' (makokko') basi' inin.
I am unable to bend this wire.
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