Sense 1
English. Chases and catches an animal or insect by hand.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ukus mui manuk kiin, pu' titi'en ta.
English. Catch that chicken, and we'll butcher him.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Bena' mitubusen biuay, pingukusen dayun su nga manuk muka' babuy, pintiti'en dayun muka' pilutu'en, sampay sug begas, binaalgaanen.
English. When he had finished pounding it, he caught the chickens and pigs, and then he slaughtered them and cooked them, and he cooked
the rice.
Synonym. ukpa'
Generic. daap
Sense 2
English. Is strong, able, esp. after having been ill.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su pegladu kamun, mekaukus na mpanaw.
English. The person who was sick earlier today is now strong and able to go out.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Mekaukus na maan [i.e. she is able to eat now.].
English. He has his appetite back.
Synonym. aban; gaga