English. Is, becomes entire, or becomes entirely s.t.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Tibuuk mu na inamek ki seda' ta kiin.
English. You took all our viand by the handful (i.e. greedily).
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' megbaal ita balay, sa' gemiten tai tibuuk gayu, dayun saleg ginabas, subay pembengilan sug duma saleg.
English. When we build a house, if we use (whole) round timbers and sawed floorings, some of the boards in the floor have to be shimmed
English. Entirely all of s.t.; a complete s.t..
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ki getaw, sa' tekulengen, iin ig baalenen megengkegengkeg ig tibuukan lawasen, laak ginis leduun.
English. If a person has a nervousness, what he does is sort of shake, his whole body. It's not just nervousness, it's a disease.