English. A straight, sharp grass attaining 4 m. in height.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su gilemunan ku, melukted gupia baalen, pu' metaben gupiai telaid dun, kaas subay pengmia'mia'an peguiday.
English. The field I'm weeding is slow going, because the sharp grasses are thick there, so one has to grab hold of them gently.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Laung nu Megbebaya' dini Adan, “Subay mengimbaala dig lupa'. Iini mentubu' dig lupa' pengimbaalan mu, telaid muka' sepinit.”
English. God said to Adam, “You will have to till the soil, but what will grow on the land you till is sharp grass and thorn plants.”
Cultural Note. Used with sepinit vine to “cleanse” a coffin so that living spirits will not follow the dead.
English. Draws a knife blade gently over a sharpening stone after sharpening, in order to neaten the blade.
Generic. asa'; banggud
English. A kind of very thin, very sharp machete blade.