tai' 1
English. An ordinary manufactured needle for sewing.
English. Sews s.t., embroiders.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Lema' meditu paug Bayug, mekpetai' pau selualu; nda'idun nai selualu gembegu.
English. Tomorrow I'm going to Bayog to get have someone make me some trousers; I have no more new trousers.
In group with: lubung 2; uglip
English. Tailor-bird, gen. for several species of the genus
Scientific name. Orthotomus.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kiin menai', kaas menai'i piningalan nami dun, pu' sa' megbaal salagen, tai'enen sug daun gayu, pekselaganen.
English. As for the tailor-bird, the reason we call it that is because when it makes its nest, it sews together leaves of trees; and
makes them into its nest.
Generic. manukmanuk