English. Establishes a relationship with s.o. not otherwise related, befriends s.o..
Example sentence:
Subanen. Si Inding muka' si Iden, meksambat ilan gupia, bisan ndi' ilan meksinabut.
English. Inding and Aaron are very good friends, even though one can"t understand what the other one is saying.
English. One's oft-companion, friend.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sambat ni'a, tembagan ka niin dayun telu'enen dini'a, “Ndi' mu laaway itu, pu' maulapan ka dun. Mesaled dini'a ba.”
English. Your friend, he will persuade you then, saying to you, “Don't go over to his place because you will be mistreated. He will
do you harm.”
Sense 1
English. Characterized a friendly.
Sense 2
English. Becomes one's companion of the opposite sex; commits adultery, takes on a lover.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ginukit nu getaw, mipesa' di matanen, laung, pu' laung ki sumbalayen muka' manaken, laung, miksambat.
English. Someone reported, he actually saw, he said, that, he said, his neighbor and niece, he said, had committed adultery.
Synonym. sukayat