English. Having the color which can be characterized as red, from pale pink to dark orange, red.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Labung delabung, sug delalak kitu, si Pinsilan, mikelaam dila' leti'. Misugat tu tuud dulian, palasen, gempula.
English. Yesterday afternoon when it was thundering, Pinsilan got some agate. It landed on the stump of a durian tree; it was red.
English. A human newborn, infant.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Laung nu mayur, Su ngag libun sa' duun ig bata'en pepula pa, bisan ndi' na kambat meksiminar.
English. The mayor said, Women who have newborn infants do not need to attend the seminar.
Generic. bata'
Idiom: pulakitut
English. A medium-sized fly having an orange to red underbody, drawn to open sores.
Generic. tubu'; langaw
Idiom: pulalupa'
English. Reddish, highly adhesive soil which is known to be (1) poor for crops of any kind and (2) good for making into cooking pots,
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ki mitaun nami kia, melaati pimula dun, pulalupa'.
English. That land we farmed had bad crops; it was clay soil.
Idiom: pulamata
English. Experiences pink eye,
Scientific name. conjunctivitis
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' pulametaan ka, ndi' mu penemalay usegay, pu' megdegadega.
English. When you have pinkeye, don't persist in rubbing it, or the condition will continue.
Generic. ladu
Idiom: pulamulu'
English. Blushes, esp. with unspoken anger and shame.
Generic. angit; lenget