English. Is troubled, worries about s.o. or s.t.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Milibuleng ami dun gupia si nga Uan, pu' deksu' nemun, nda' ilan gusay dateng.
English. We're very worried about What's-Their-Names, because until now, they still haven't arrived.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Milibulengu dun gupiai mipenggulaula dinaan kini, ta' alandun ig baalen ku.
English. I'm very troubled about what to do about this that has happened to me.
Synonym. gu'ul; legen; libeg; sa'el
In group with: gindaw
baal kelibuleng
English. Causes s.o. worry.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Binaalanen su gina'en kelibulengen.
English. He gave his mother cause for worry.