Sense 1
English. Folds s.t.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Penglepi' mu su gikdakan, betang mu tu kaban.
English. Fold the laundry and put it in the wooden chest.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kali'u angay tug balay nilan, mitaangan ku si Nabayendaw, pekpenglepi' tebaku'.
English. When I went to their house, I found Nabayendaw folding tobacco.
Sense 2
English. Multiplies a numeric value by itself, squares.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kig bigayu dini'a, bisan sanu lepi'ay, saba' kelaunen.
English. What I have given you, it is as if it increased by the square, it"s been so much, you'll never pay me back!
Idiom: lepi' talu'
English. Says s.t. which means the opposite of its literal sense.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ki meglepi' talu', sa' pinenggi' telu'en dini'ag duma, Si Uan lai, miksisikad na ditug leduunen, ma'ananen, sug leduunen, nda' metubu' dun, pu' minatay.
English. Inverted speech is for example when your companion says to you, What's-His-Name has gotten strong now after his illness; it
means that he didn't live after his illness; he died.
Generic. talu'
Idiom: lepi' teginep
English. Dreams of one circumstance, then experiences a similar, but not same one, in reality.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Mekatag dig lepi' teginepen, sa' meteginep mu ig duma mu binunu' mu, iini ma'ananen, sa' duun ig belatik atawaka giman, binaas babuy, dayun minatay na ditu.
English. Concerning folded dreams, if you dream you kill your companion, it means that if you have a snare or trap, a pig has been
caught in it, and the pig is dead.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su teginepen ni Pusung, nda' peglepi'.
English. What Pusung dreamed was what actually happened.
Generic. teginep