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To run.
Magubas ku duk ku lakkes pegge' magdayi'-dayi' ku.
I am running in order to be quick because I am hurrying.
kew ubasun si Ina' da'akun pitu.
Go, run to mother; tell her to come.
To run taking s.t., run off with s.t., to rush s.o. (as to the hospital); to run for s.t.
kew ngubas bohe' (magubas ngeddo' bohe'), tiya' ga' niya' bohe'te.
Go, run for water; we have no water.
A'a miya'an bakas ngubas sinapang.
That person has run off with a gun (of s.o. else).
Ubasanne kābewkun dibuhi' (tinangkew).
He ran off (with) my carabao last night (stole it).
Kābew iyan, ubasanne ku ensini'!
That carabao! It ran off (with) me earlier!
Inubasan nakanakin hap ispital pegge' peddi' bettengne.
The child was rushed to the hospital because his stomach hurt.
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