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To melt (become liquid), dissolve (as sugar, salt in liquid).
Bang niya' sokal pinapī dem bohe' ubus tunag sokalin.
When sugar is put in water the sugar melts.
Bang asin tunag dīhananne. (Bang asin tunagan dīne.)
Salt dissolves by itself.
Sōng tunag kite we' haggutin.
We are about to melt because of the cold.
If one feels very hot one says, Ngeggil kite we' ellewin. ‘We are dried (shriveled up) by the sun.’
N-, mag-
To melt s.t. (by heating it as metal, plastic, candles).
Tunagun sokalin.
Melt the sugar.
Nunag kew timbuha'.
Melt the lead.
Ubus ne ku magtunag lansuk.
I have melted the candle.
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