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Disintegrated; squashed; melted; come apart (because of some outside force and cannot be put together again).
Hansul kennahin pegge' taligpit.
The fish is squashed because it happened to be under something heavy.
Kuwe' me' ayis manjari bohe', hansul ne ayisin.
Like when ice becomes water, the ice is melted.
Being overcome by emotion; being beside oneself; to fall apart emotionally.
Usually because of grief, disappointment or pity.
Agen ne ku hansul hawa ase'ku si nakanak miya'an pegge' ga' ne niya' sa'i-samanen.
I am almost beside myself because of my pity for that child because he no longer has his mother and father.
Bang ta'essebku me' bissānen agen ne ku hansul.
When I remember her words I am almost overcome.
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