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N- -an, mag-
To play out line, lengthen a rope; to give freedom to behave as s.o. wants.
Bang kew messi bu bo'o kennahin magubas pessihin, tugutanun.
When you fish with hook and line and the fish runs with the hook, play out the line.
Niya' nugutan ingket kābewkun.
Someone lengthened the rope of my carabao.
Tinugutan iye we' metetto'anen bisan tungan.
His parent gave him freedom to go wherever he wishes.
For s.t. to stretch, give, spring back, be elastic (of elastic or soft substances).
Goma inin bisan binelutan gey nugut.
This rubber doesn’t stretch even when pulled.
Nugut siya inin bang paningkolo'an.
This chair gives when one sits on it.
Gey peddi' bukutte pabāk diyata' kama inin pegge' nugut.
One’s back does not hurt lying on this mattress because it is elastic.
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