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Tilted, off level, off center (like a knot of hair not in the middle, head bent to one side, water in a glass sitting on a slope).
Tiring a'a iyan hatu peddi' kellongne.
That person has (his head) tilted; perhaps his neck is hurting.
pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
To lean to one side, tilt to one side (not being vertical as s.t. placed on a slope or not horizontal as s.t. long tilted sideways).
Hangkan hep bu'us bohe' dem bahadilin pegge' patiring.
The reason that the water in the barrel ran out is because it is leaning to one side.
Luwal magtiringan lansahin pegge' niya' goyak.
The ferry keeps tilting because there are waves.
N-, mag-
To tilt s.t., place s.t. at an angle (not level).
Hangkan hep bu'us bohe'in pegge' patiringne sawanin.
That’s why the water spilled because he tilted his glass.
Sine matiring bahdil iyan?
Who tilted that barrel?
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