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To dodge, deflect, turn aside, go or get out of the way (of s.t. in order not to be hit).
Bang kew lubakne ningkas kew duk kew ga'i tewwa'.
If he tries to hit you get out of the way so that you won’t be hit.
Ga' ku meketingkas pegge' ga' ne niya' lugalku pa'anse.
I was unable to dodge because I didn’t have space to move.
N- -an
To turn (s.t.) away (in order not to be hit); to avoid s.t. (as when being hit or when asked to do s.t.), to sidestep or dodge s.t.
Tingkasanne luwenen duk ga'i tewwa' sinuntuk.
He turned away his face so that he would not be hit (while) being boxed.
Ga'i ku ta'u ningkasanne pegge' ga' kiteku panuntukne akuhin.
I didn’t see when he boxed me so I couldn’t avoid it.
To be agile or skillful (in dodging).
Tingkas manuk iyan, gey tewwa' bang magsēppug.
That chicken is agile (in dodging); it is not hit when it fights.
Gey iye tewwa' tinimbak pegge' tingkas iye.
He is not hit when shot at because he is skillful (in dodging).
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