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pa-, mag- (pl.)
To move over (oneself, closing a gap in a line or row).
Pa'anse kew piyu.
Move up over there.
Pa'in kondoktol jīpin, “Maganse ka'am duk siguwe me' a'ahin.”
The conductor of the jeep says, “Move over so that the people will fit in.”
N-, mag-
To move an object over a bit.
Pa'ansehun kahunin si dinding.
Move the box over to the wall.
Tiya' ku magpa'anse bangku' si higad dinding.
I am about to move the bench over to the wall.
Makatabang ku si iye ma'anse luma'ku si higad kalsara.
I ask him to help move my house to the edge of the road.
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