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Straight (of s.t. that was crooked first).
Tilu' ne kābewnen pamadja'an.
His water buffalo is (goes) straight when plowing.
Tilu' ne lengngenne bakas mapolongin.
His arm that was broken is straight now.
N-, mag-
To straighten s.t.; to align s.t. (in a straight line).
Kuwe' basi' bu bingkok ubus tinilu' duk bentel.
Like iron that is crooked; it is straightened so that it will be straight.
Da'akku iye nilu' lengngen anakku.
I asked her to straighten the arm of my child.
Me' a'a magsasew iyan ga'i siye ngatu tinilu'.
Those quarreling people don’t want to be straightened out.
Gey ngatu magtilu' olom luma'nen pegge' bongkok.
The posts of his house cannot be (put in a) straight (row with others) because they are crooked.
When you plant coconuts, align (make a straight line) them with this stick.
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