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A stake, post, pole (for marking a boundary or supporting a plant).
kew ngeddo' usuk duk niya' pamana'ikan me' paraholesten.
Go and get a stake so that we have something for our beans to climb up on.
N-, mag-
To stake s.t., put stakes to s.t.; mark s.t. (with stakes).
Ngusuk iye duk kata'uhan bang atag ingge pangahinanganne luma'nen.
He marks it (with stakes) so that it is known where he is going to build his house.
Magusuk me' tinanemne iye duk gey tadi'ik.
He puts stakes where he planted something so that it won’t be stepped on.
Usukande higad bulakden duk kata'uhande bang taman ingge.
They put stakes at the edge of their field so that they will know to where it extends.
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