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Impolite; arrogant, haughty, overbearing.
Takabbul te'ed a'a iyan, gey bisan nebiya'.
That person is very impolite; he does not even excuse (himself when he passes by).
Bang niya' a'a takabbul pa'in kami kuwe' takabbul meyong.
If a person is impolite, we say he is impolite like a cat.
langkew (bo'ohannen)
To be arrogant, haughty, overbearing (of actions).
Tumakabbul bissāhanne miya'an.
What he said there was overbearing.
Tumakabbul addatnen.
His customs are haughty.
N- -an, mag-
To act in an haughty or arrogant way.
Luwal iye nakabbulan sawe'ne.
He always acts haughtily towards his companions.
Da'a luwal takabullanun me' sawe'nun.
Don’t always act in an arrogant way toward your companions.
Ga'i hāp magtakabbul si sawe'nen.
It is not good to act in a haughty way to one’s companions.
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