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N-, mag- (repet.)
To ask again about s.t.
Sinuna iye we' ku pegge' ga' takaleku pina'innen.
I asked her again because I did not hear what she said.
A'a iyan luwal nuna.
That person always keeps asking again.
Da'a ka'am maghidjul. Iyu' niya' bissāne bu ga'i ku kasandal luwal magsuna.
Don’t be noisy. He is saying something and I don’t like to keep asking again.
To finalize the brideprice.
Magsuna siye sumu, usba lella duk usba dende magtimuk magbissā magpāku ne.
They will finalize the brideprice tomorrow; the relatives of the man and the woman will gather and talk and make their request.
Sinuna si Dende sumu.
The brideprice for Dende will be finalized tomorrow.
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