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Indistinct (of speech, because some sounds are substituted with others).
It is usually used of children who have not yet learned to speak certain sounds.
A'a miya'an bang missā subet.
That person is indistinct when he speaks (he substitutes sounds).
Subet iye.
He is indistinct (in his speech).
To pretend to be indistinct.
Magsubet-subet nakanak iyan. Pa'inne, kew eddo'anun kite yangkey hinangte ya'ay. (Hātinen, pī kew eddo'anun kite langkey hinangte la'al.)
That child pretends to be indistinct (in his speech). He says, do det us dry totonut leaves for mating a torch. (Meaning: go get us dry coconut leaves for making a torch.)
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