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To be in danger of being struck by thunder.
If one laughs at creatures, esp. at kittens, at chicken manure, private parts of people, animals, or dolls, one precipitates being struck by a thunder bolt. (It is believed that it is thunder that strikes, not lightning.)
Sinubellew kami pegge' pasayehan kami tayi' manukin.
We are in danger of being struck by thunder because we laughed at the chicken manure.
Da'a pasayehanun anak meyong iyan mekesubellew (mekesinubellew) iyan.
Don’t laugh at that kitten; it makes you be in danger of being struck by thunder.
To avert the danger (of being struck by thunder).
It is said that one way of achieving the desired result is by cupping and releasing the hand over the mouth in quick succession while making a sound. Then the head is hit with the knuckles of one hand and the word tukki' is uttered.
kew magsubellew duk kew ga'i tumbuk lette'.
Go and avert the danger so that we will not be hit by thunder.
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