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pa-, mag- redup. (repet.)
To take the place of s.o. else; to come and go.
Bang hap luma' ne iye maki ku pasokle'.
When she goes home I will take her place.
Magsokle'-sokle' ne hadja me' a'anen.
The people in his house just come and go.
N- -an, mag- (recip.)
To exchange s.t. (esp. of rice mound), give back s.t. in exchange, repay in kind.
Magsokle' dulang kite.
We exchange rice mounds.
Ga'i ku ta'u nokle'anne la'at pegge' hāp isab addatnen si aku.
I cannot repay her with bad because her customs toward me are good.
Bang hāp addatne si akuhin sokle'anku isab hāp.
If her customs toward me are good I also repay with kindness.
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