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A narrow appendage (to a house, field, etc. that sticks out; also used of receding hairline on both sides).
Niya' so'ok tana'kun.
My field has a narrow appendage.
Niya' so'ok lendo'nen.
He has a receding hairline (lit. his forehead has an appendage).
For s.t. to be extended into s.t.
So'okan lendo'nen.
His forehead is extended. (He has a receding hairline.)
pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
For s.t. to extend into s.t.
Paso'ok tana'in dem gulangan.
The field extends into the forest.
Paso'ok luma'nen nampal kōkan.
His house extends at (lit. towards) the back.
Magso'okan tahikin.
The sea has many inlets (lit. the sea is extending into (the land)).
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