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To be in the way of s.t., hinder, obstruct.
Nakanak inin bang kite ningkolo'-ningkolo' paseppal hadja.
When we sit down this child is in the way.
A'a iyan paseppal si luma' a'a.
That person goes to other people’s houses hindering (them).
N-, mag-
To make s.t. be in the way, obstruct, hinder.
Paseppalun ne lemisahan iyan lu'u si tengnga' luma' iyan.
Make that table be in the way there in the middle of the house.
Sine magpaseppal lemisahan si tengnga' luma' inin?
Who made this table obstruct the middle of the house?
Niya' maseppal maletanen diyata' pabākanku.
Somebody made his suitcase be in the way on my bed.
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