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To be blocked, obstructed, crowded.
Simbel dem luma'ne pegge' ekka bilikne.
It is crowded in his house because there are many rooms.
Simbel pamayamten, bang kite ka'impenan atawa binelad.
One’s vision is obstructed if one has something in the eye or has sore eyes.
Simbel a'ahin we' kayuhin. (Bang siye pengeddo' bohe' bu niya' kayu hebba' dem bohe'.)
A tree is blocking (the water source from) the people. (When they go to get water and a tree has fallen into the water.)
pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
For s.t. to be in the way, to be obstructing s.t.
Inamāhan mākanakin, gey dina'ak pasimbel si behe gawang.
The children are scolded; they are told not to be in the way at the doorway.
Nakanak iyan luwal magsimbelan bang niya' hinangku.
That child is always in the way when I have work to do.
N- -an
To obstruct or block a passageway.
Simbelanun lānin duk siye ga'i palabey.
Block that trail so that they won’t pass there.
Niya' nimbelan lānin hangkan hunit palabeyan.
Someone blocked the road; that’s why it is difficult to pass by.
N-, mag-
To make s.t. block or obstruct s.t, place s.t. as an obstruction.
Sine masimbel kayu si gawang inin?
Who blocked this doorway with wood?
Pasimbelun kayu iyan lu'u si lān iyan.
Make that wood block that road.
Niya' magpasimbel bangku' si behe gawang.
Someone placed a chair as an obstruction at the doorway.
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