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Like; s.t. is like s.t. else (comparative).
Bang miya'an kolol badju'in gey ku mabaya'.
If the color of the blouse is like that I don’t want it.
Bang nakanak iyan luwal nāring, hāp pe ka'am hap luma'.
If that child is always crying like that, it is better if you go home.
Pag miya'an ne siye ga' tasa'utku si luma', magtawus ne ku paturul si siye.
When (it was like that) I no longer reached them at the house I immediately followed them.
sā ingge
How (lit. like which), in what manner.
The previous..., the one before; the next..., the one following (of days, weeks, months, years).
The is used in speech referring to time relative to the reported time.
Hap luma' du kami sumuhin.
We went home the next day.
Hap ku si luma'de ensini' miya'an, ine kew di'ilew patahala'den.
I went there earlier (that day) - and wouldn’t you know it - they had left the previous day.
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