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Dagger; a short knife (used for stabbing); switchblade.
It may be double bladed or not, usually has a thin blade or at least a long point. It is carried in a sheath. Sometimes it is a pocketknife with a spring operated blade.
Niya' punyal a'a miya'an.
That person has a dagger.
N-, mag-
To use or carry a dagger.
Bakas iye munyal la'i si tabu'an.
He used a dagger there in the market.
Bang iye lumengngan sangem magpunyal iye.
When he goes out at night he carries a dagger.
To stab s.o. (with a dagger).
Pinunyal we' ne sawe'nen.
He stabbed his companion (with a dagger).
Bakas iye munyal sawe'ne la'i si tabu'an.
He stabbed his companion in the market.
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