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Bladed weapons & implements 20.2

anak pana' An arrow for a bow or speargun.
barung A large bolo; sword.
bāwang Arrow or dart for a blowgun.
bekoko A straight working bolo (used around the house).
bessi 2 Bladed weapon; weapon in general; bolo.
budjak A spear.
bulang A small blade (tied to a fighting cock’s leg).
kalis Kris (a two-edged sword with a wavy blade).
duhung A hoe, type of bolo.
ispara Dagger.
lahut A type of small knife.
langgaman A small knife with curved blade (used for reaping).
oro' A small knife, table knife, kitchen knife.
pasawali' Small knife (usually used for slicing betel nut).
pira Bolo.
punyal Dagger; a short knife (used for stabbing); switchblade.
sangko' A bayonet; fighting knife.
sanggut A sickle.
taming Shield (used as protection in fighting in old times).
teguban Sheath for a knife.
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