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Appropriate, right, lawful, proper, correct, fitting (esp. of action or behavior).
Magsaye hadja iye bisan ga'i patut.
She laughed even though it was not proper.
Gey patut me' la'uk dulangnen.
The viand with his rice mound is not appropriate.
Patut iye inurungan pusaka' pegge' anak du isab iye.
It is right for him to be given inheritance because he also is an offspring.
Authority, power, right.
Patut mayolin nganda'ak pegge' niya' du isab kapatutne.
It is proper for the mayor to give commands because he also has authority.
Niya' kapatutku māku bahagi' si bulak iyan pegge' bulak me' kapapu'anku du isab.
I have a right to ask for a share of that land because it is land of my forefathers too.
Bēpetutan me' binissānen.
What he says is important.
Bang lumengngan gey du bēpetutan gey ku kasandal lumengngan.
If the reason for going is not important I don’t want to go.
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